Upcoming Events
MARCH SPECIAL! 20% off Online Courses: Landscape Design with Water in Mind!

Despite the recent abundant rains, California is still facing extreme drought conditions and water agencies continue to require reductions in landscape water use. In response to this state-wide urgency to reduce outdoor water consumption, the recently adopted Assembly Bill 1572 prohibits using potable water on “non-functional” turf for commercial, institutional, industrial landscapes as well as homeowners associations. It is truly time to transition turf areas to water-efficient, habitat friendly and beautiful alternatives! To respond to this current need, The Landscape Design with Water in Mind Courses will be offered at a substantial discount in March 2024. These courses, designed for landscape professionals and serious gardeners, provide a wealth of information, knowledge and skills for navigating extremely limited to NO irrigation in the landscape:
Irrigation Design & Scheduling: Lori Palmquist
Alternative Water Sources: Dave Phelps
Plant Selection & Design: Sarah Sutton
$44 per course /$96 for all three when you sign up by March 31, 2024! Courses are available on-demand and you can take them at your own pace.
CEUs (APLD, ReScape Qualified Professionals)
Sale Launches on March 4th, 2024 – For more information and to enroll:
Plant Talk #14 – April 2, 2024 – 11:30A – 1:00PM (PST)
Join Sarah Sutton and colleague Cielo Sichi at this entertaining and informative quarterly lunch presentation patterned after the successful NPR program: Car Talk. Attendees submit their plant questions in advance and also participate in a Stump the Chumps and Puzzler challenges. Winner gets a free copy of Sarah’s book – The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye!
Sign up at: https://pge.docebosaas.com/learn/course/internal/view/classroom/1325/plant-talk-6
Past Events
SATURDAY, August 17, 2019 at 11AM
Annie’s Annuals & Perennials
740 Market Ave, Richmond, CA 94801
Learn how to kick your lawn to the curb with Sarah Sutton, Landscape Architect and author of the award-winning book, “The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye.” Transform your front lawn and yard into a wildlife attracting, water-wise and easy-to-manage paradise! Book signing to follow! (Books will be available for sale at Annie’s)
Considering Reducing the Size of Your Lawn?
Join Green Acres Nursery & Supply for a free low-water lawn replacement workshop with author and landscape architect Sarah Sutton. Learn how to kick the grass addiction and embrace the California Landscape 2.0.
Enjoy a lively presentation and Q&A. Book signing will follow the presentation. Books will be available for sale at the event.
Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (PDT) Elk Grove, CA
Fundraiser – Saturday, June 28
Sarah Carolyn Sutton – Landscape Architect and author of The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye! will be selling, and personally signing, her new book and holding a raffle for a FREE CONSULTATION as part of a fund-raising/yard sale event to support a local healer and friend who is recovering from cancer treatment. All proceeds will be donated to the fund.
This award-winning book (8 awards and counting!) is being heralded not only as a practical and inspirational how-to guide for front yard transformation, but also as a manifesto for green living and restoring ecological health. Sarah just returned from New York City where she accepted a Ben Franklin Gold Medal for the 2014 “Best New Voice in Non-Fiction”!
Homeowners are finding that the process outlined in the book, including over 800 full-color photos, diagrams and illustrations, provides all the information needed to redesign your garden from a water-thirsty lawn-scape to a personal oasis.
The event will be held on Saturday, June 28th at 1423 Central Avenue, Alameda, CA.
Stop by to pick up a copy of the book and great deals on furniture, clothing and other finds!
Sarah Carolyn Sutton was the luncheon keynote speaker at the California Garden Clubs 83rd Annual Convention on Sunday June 8, 2014 at the Hilton Hotel in Glendale, California. Her presentation, Healing Spaces/Restorative Places, focused on the multiple health benefits our private gardens and public landscapes can provide, from restoring a sense of peace and well-being to greatly improved recovery from illness and surgeries. In addition to Sarah’s background as a landscape architect, author, artist and ecologist, she has pursued an education in natural health and healing gardens and obtained a certificate in Therapeutic Healing Garden Design from the Chicago Botanic Garden and is also a Certified Natural Health Practitioner. She shared her insights, inspiration and wisdom gained from her many years of practice, including photos and images from her work and travels.
‘Lose Your Lawn’ the Bay-Friendly Way Series
Learn how to lose your lawn without tearing it out at one of these FREE how-to talks and tabling events, sponsored by the Bay-Friendly Landscape and Gardening Coalition. Sarah Sutton, Landscape Architect and Bay-Friendly Qualified Professional, will provide design and plant selection advice as well as walk you through converting your lawn without breaking your back or your wallet. There will be a hands-on demonstration of sheet mulching – an easy technique of layering materials on top of your lawn, allowing you to plant right into it. Plus, learn how you can participate in your local water agency’s water conservation rebate program, which could put some green in your pocket!
Everyone who attends the talk will receive a free copy of the Bay-Friendly Gardening Guide. There will be a drawing for additional garden gifts, including a copy of Sarah’s book – The New American Front Yard – Kiss Your Grass Goodbye at the end of the talk. Check out many more resources for lawn conversion at www.LoseYourLawn.org
March 22, 2014
Palomares Community Association / Palomares Hills Clubhouse
6811 Villareal Drive, Castro Valley, CA
Talk: 9:30-11:00, Tabling: 11:00am-Noon
April 12, 2014
Evergreen Nursery
350 San Leandro Blvd, San Leandro, CA
Talk: 1:00-2:30pm, Tabling: 2:30-3:30pm
April 19, 2014
550 Bayshore Boulevard, San Francisco, CA
Talk: 11-12:30, Tabling: 12:30-1:30
May 3, 2014
Water-Wise Workshop: 9AM – 1:30PM
Environmental Services Department, City of Dublin
100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA
Talk: 10:15-11:30am, Tabling: 11:30-1:00pm
May 10, 2014
Vallejo People’s Garden
(Behind) 1055 Azuar Avenue, Mare Island, CA
Talk: 10:00-11:30, Tabling: 11:30-12:30pm
Healing Places/Restorative Spaces:
Creating Landscapes & Gardens that Sustain Ourselves & the Planet
with Sarah Sutton
April 30th, 7 – 8:30pm
Healing PlacesHow do we build resilient urban environments that support local ecosystems and biodiversity? Now more than ever, it is critical that our home gardens and landscapes become more than window dressing and address this question. On a more personal level, our gardens can sustain us by providing food and enhancing our sense of well-being. This presentation will provide an integrated and holistic view of the cultivated landscape, from private gardens to civic landscapes, with examples and case studies illustrating their healing and regenerative potential – for ourselves and our bioregion.
Ms. Sutton will draw from her experience as a Landscape Architect, practicing in the public and private sector, and her recently published book, The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye to inspire each of us to redefine our front yards and neighborhoods. Entertaining and informative topics will include front yard foraging, regenerative landscape design and using the principles of Feng Shui in your garden.
The Gardens at Heather Farm
Howard Building
1540 Marchbanks Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598
‘Creating A Beautiful Turf-Less Front Yard’
March 30, 2014
3 – 5 p.m. at the Mission Peak Universalist Unitarian Church
2950 Washington Blvd, Fremont, CA
Funding will be used for operations of new site at the California Nursery Historic Park
Suggested donation: $10
Learn how to transform your front lawn into a beautiful, water conserving and low-maintenance garden! Sarah will share tips and suggestions from her recent book The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye, including how to sheet mulch your lawn and plant over it, recognizing your personal style and developing a master plan to guide installation over a series of weekends. Discover how to include native plants, edibles and herbs in your garden with striking curb appeal.
Book signing following the presentation. Copies of the book will be available for sale.
Author Book Signing
at the Sierra Ecosummit & Festival at Mountain Sage in Groveland, California
June 22-23, 2013 – sierraecosummit.org
Stop by Sarah’s booth to say “hi” and get a signed copy of her new book: The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye! Sign up to win a FREE garden consultation too!
The Sierra EcoSummit & Festival is two full days of the latest in sustainable living including applied science and land practices, and examples of community building, green building, rainwater catchment, farming and local foods, plus great food and entertainment.
JOIN US right outside Yosemite National Park in the historic town of Groveland, right in the middle of the heart of the Sierra Nevada.
It’s FREE!
Urban Herbalism
With Sarah Sutton, Landscape Architect on Saturday, April 6, 2013 10am – 1pm
Sarah Sutton, Landscape Architect, author, and practicing herbalist will show you how to select, propagate, harvest and use herbs in the garden, including California natives, edible ornamentals, and even common garden weeds! Sarah’s presentation will include illustrations and garden designs from her new book, The New American Front Yard: Kiss Your Grass Goodbye, and she will also be available to offer design tips for your herb garden!
To register, please call 925-947-1678 or online at gardenshf.org.
Click the image to the right to download the full brochure.
Association of Professional Landscape Designers presents:
The New American Front YardKiss Your Grass Goodbye! with Sarah Sutton
When: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Where: Veterans Memorial Building, 3780 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette
APLD Members: $5; Non-APLD Members: $20; Student Non-Members: $15
Download the full flyer here.
APLD Continuing Education Credits: this lecture = 1.5 CEU’s to our Certified Professional Members
Past Events
Sarah Sutton will be attending and presenting at the American Society of Landscape Architects – 2011 Annual Meeting and Expo in San Diego from October 30 through November 2, 2011. The focus of this year’s meeting is Landscape Architecture Rising – Knowledge Vision Leadership.
Sarah will be presenting:
Restorative Spaces/Healing Places: How to Make a Landscape a Healing Garden
The vital connection of people to nature extends to therapeutic garden design in all landscapes. The theory and value of therapeutic gardens include research- and evidence-based design principles, which this session illustrates with healing-property details on specific plants and materials, in keeping with the Sustainable Sites Initiative.
- Understand the basic concepts of incorporating therapeutic garden design theory and evidence-based design principles.
- Learn the important benefits of the human-nature connection, with a focus on specific plants and materials.
- Discover how therapeutic gardens are integral to the Sustainable Sites Initiative principles.
Featured Speakers: Susan Erickson, ASLA, Iowa State University; Sarah Sutton, ASLA, LEED AP, Design, Community & Environment; Jack Carman, FASLA, Design for Generations, LLC; Marguerite Koepke, ASLA, University of Georgia
1.5 PDH, Registered with LACES/HSW, GBCI, FL, NY/HSW
To learn more about this event you may click .